Jazz Guitar Scales for Beginners: Better Solos Start Here

If you’re looking for the best way to start playing better solos, jazz guitar scales for beginners are your best bet. And for one simple reason. In music, scales are the building blocks of every melody you’ve ever heard. And ideally, jazz guitar solos are melodies that you improvise. Made up as you go, using … Read more

Jazz Guitar Chords for Beginners: Start Playing Today

Jazz guitar chords are probably the most important thing for beginners to learn. No matter how you slice it, chords are going to be most of what you do as a jazz guitarist. But chords are also usually an overwhelming part of learning jazz guitar… at first. It seems like there is so much you … Read more

Modes of the Major Scale – Everything You Need to Know

Sooner or later in jazz guitar, you’re going to need to learn the modes of the major scale. They are an important part of improving your skills – and they aren’t as complicated as you might think. As you improve, you’re going to want to have more control over the sounds you’re creating as you … Read more

Jazz Guitar Scales: All The Patterns You Need to Know

How to Play All of Your Jazz Guitar Scales One of the most common questions I get asked by jazz guitar students (or jazz students in general) is this: “What scales do I need to know for jazz guitar?” Sometimes it comes in different forms: It’s a simple question – and one that sometimes creates … Read more

Distracted Practice for Jazz Guitar: Playing With TV

a person using distracted practice for jazz guitar to work on techniques while watching a football game.

Distracted practice can be a great thing for your jazz guitar playing. It’s not a common position for a jazz guitar teacher to take, I know.  Most people out there will tell you how to avoid or get rid of distractions so you can “get the most out of your practice time.” In all honesty, … Read more