Start Playing Jazz Guitar Like a Pro

Stop wasting time trying to “piece it together” by yourself – and start following a step-by-step system that gives you results.

Taking online jazz guitar lessons is the fastest way to learn jazz guitar. In fact, lessons are your fast track to: 

  • Having the confidence to jump on stage in a jam session
  • Join a jazz band
  • Or even get gigs on your own

Save yourself years of time, effort, and money. Online jazz guitar lessons will help you cut through all of the “other stuff” and take you straight to the skills that will make the biggest difference in your jazz guitar playing.

Your jazz guitar cheat codes:

  • Proven, step-by-step systems: Get a clear path to improving your jazz guitar playing by learning the right skills, in the right order. Simple explanations that show you exactly “how to do it” and let you put your jazz guitar playing on autopilot.
  • One on one lessons: Learn jazz guitar faster because you’re getting exactly what you need so you can move forward in your playing. You’ve got an expert to guide you through the process and help you stay on the right track.
  • Personalized practice plans: Always knowing what to do next lets you take the guesswork out of playing jazz guitar. See your skills improve each day and make the most out of your limited practice time.

Why does jazz guitar seem so complicated? You can play guitar pretty well, but this stuff is crazy!

Looking at a page out of the real book, it’s hard to figure out what any of these chord symbols even mean. How do people ever learn the chords to play on this stuff?

Let alone remembering them all. 

And soloing is another problem entirely. What ever happened to being able to shred through one scale for an entire song? There are so many key changes, it makes your head spin – and now you’re supposed to start learning a new scale for every chord?

A quick internet search for answers only makes things worse. There is just an overwhelming amount of information about jazz guitar. And everybody has a different (but very strong) opinion on what the “right way” is.

At this point, you either decide to go down every rabbit hole you find until you understand what these people are talking about…

… or you decide that “maybe jazz guitar just isn’t for me” and go back to the music you can already play.

But what if jazz guitar was easy?

Imagine you’re someone who just “gets” how to play jazz guitar. 

Chords just aren’t an issue for you.

It’s easy for you to crack open the real book and play through the chords to any song you land on. And in a jazz band, you don’t even have to practice playing your chords. You can just show up and play.

You understand any chord symbol at a glance – and you can build any chord you need. Instantly.

Your days of not knowing the notes on the fretboard are far behind you.

In fact, you know the fretboard like the back of your hand. You never get lost, because the notes you need are always right under your fingers – no matter where you are on the guitar neck.

When you’re playing chords, it’s easy for you to “walk” your shapes up and down the neck. And when you’re soloing, you can catch big key changes without even moving your hand. The fretboard is completely unlocked – it’s just not a mystery for you anymore.

In your solos, it’s easy for you to play what you hear in your head.

It’s almost like you have  a direct link between what you hear in your head, and what comes out of your guitar.

You have an endless source of ideas, so you never run out of things to play. And you don’t have to try and remember licks or formulas for improvisation. Because you can play what you hear.

Your practice time is anything but a routine.

It’s more like you’re just playing your guitar – but somehow getting better every time.

You sit down with your guitar and a cup of coffee – and follow your nose. Working on the areas of jazz guitar that interest you the most that day.

To some people, your practice almost seems more like you’re just playing around. But you know how much you’re really getting done – because you have a system.

You sit down with your guitar and play a tune you’re learning – picking out a couple of things you need to work on that day. As you play, you focus on the skills that are causing glitches in your playing. So you can play the way you really want to.

You can easily shift gears between playing the song, and working on something you need to clean up. So you keep moving forward without feeling bored or overwhelmed.

And at the end of your session, you’re a better guitar player than when you started.

You can confidently jam with other musicians.

It’s one of your favorite parts of your week. It’s always fun to get together with other players and play. Whether it’s in a friend’s living room, or on stage at a local jam session.

You can play any tune you want because you can read chord charts easily, and you’re learning new songs all the time.

You don’t have to do anything special to “prepare” for jamming with people – you can just show up and play.

You’ve started playing your own gigs.

You’ve got a couple of friends you like to play with, and you get some gigs at restaurants in town. It’s a fun way to spend an evening, and you even walk away with some cash.

You have a good time putting your set together, and you even have some of your own arrangements with your group.

Some people have even started asking you for jazz guitar lessons after they hear you play.

Save time and money with online jazz guitar lessons

You can save yourself years of effort (and save a lot of money) by taking online jazz guitar lessons.

You’ll have the confidence to play on stage, jam with anybody, and even get your own gigs around town.

Using the step-by-step systems you learn in your online jazz guitar lessons will give you a clear path to playing jazz guitar like a pro.

online jazz guitar lessons are a great way to learn.

Why listen to me?

I’m Kyle Smith, and at this point I’ve been a jazz guitarist for most of my life.

I’ve spent decades studying how to play jazz guitar, how to teach it better, and make jazz guitar easier for you to learn.

When I went to college for music, I fell into the same traps as a lot of jazz guitar students:

  • Did long transcription projects
  • I learned all of the theory
  • Studied every approach to improvisation
  • Memorized licks to use in my solos
  • Studied drop 2 chords

And at the end of the day, I was working really hard to get just a little bit better.

Now, all of these things are important to do – there’s no way around it. But I was doing it the wrong way.

I realized that I was trying to practice music the same way a saxophone or a trumpet player would. But what I really needed to do was practice these concepts in a way that works with the guitar.

Because when you take the time to figure out how the guitar really works, things get easier. The theory behind what you’re playing becomes obvious – it’s almost an afterthought.

And once you understand the system – the chords, scales, arpeggios, and licks almost play themselves. You’re just watching it happen and deciding what you want to hear next.

Because the guitar is supposed to be easy – you just have to work with it and not against it.

Once I  figured this out, playing jazz guitar became easy. Or at least – a lot easier.

With the systems I built around scales, chords, and arpeggios, everything was more straightforward. And it made a lot more sense.

The sounds I needed were instantly under my fingers, anywhere on the guitar.

And it didn’t just work for me…

… every single student who has followed these systems has had great results – better playing and an easier time understanding how jazz guitar works.

Get started today

Book your free consultation call today – we’ll talk about your goals for jazz guitar, and make a plan for how I can help you get there. Click the button below to get started.

Online jazz guitar lessons – everything you need

  • One on one lessons help you learn jazz guitar faster. You’ll get exactly the help you need so you can move forward in your playing. Because you’ll get the specific answers you’re looking for – no more sifting through the internet forums wasting time.
  • Step by step systems – You can be confident that you won’t have any gaps in your knowledge you have to go back and figure out. Having systems lets you put the playing guitar part on autopilot – so you can focus on the music.
  • Personalized practice plans that help you make the most out of limited practice time. You’ll always know exactly what to work on so you can reach the next step. I take the guesswork out of jazz guitar so you can focus on playing.
  • Professional, easy-to-understand handouts give you all the information you need, at a glance. Having everything you need all on one sheet saves you a ton of time in practice.
  • Lesson notes in your inbox help you remember what we covered in your lesson. Having your lesson notes makes it simple to review old lessons and refresh your memory. You never lose what you’ve learned.
  • The most convenient jazz guitar lessons ever. Online jazz guitar lessons mean no commute, no parking, and no waiting for the last student to pack up so you can get started. The 30 minute time slots are easy to fit into your schedule, and packed with helpful info and coaching.

Online jazz guitar lessons are a perfect solution if you want to be able to:

  • Be able to jam with other musicians
  • Play on stage with a jazz group
  • Create your own chord melody arrangements
  • Play the chords to any song
  • Easily understand what those chord symbols are telling you
  • Crack the code of jazz guitar chords – there’s a simple system and once you know it, you’re golden!
  • Unlock the guitar fretboard – know where everything is without even trying to learn it (chords scales, and arpeggios all do this)
  • Imagine if you could “walk” a chord up and down the neck, instead of having to stay with one shape?
  • Easily learn any melody
  • Play what you hear in your head when you’re soloing
  • Change keys on command – without even moving your hand

Everything explained in simple language you can actually understand. Because learning jazz guitar doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it should be simple.

Get started with online jazz guitar lessons

Most jazz guitar teachers are going to offer you a free lesson right off the bat to “see if we’re a good fit” before you start lessons.

But this “free lesson” is really just a sales pitch where they try to teach you some “quick tips” and make you feel like you got something really quick.

It’s a lot less of a real lesson, and a lot more convincing you to sign up. And it’s usually not a real representation of how lessons with that person really go.

I’m not interested in selling you on lessons. I want to get straight into the real stuff – helping you actually get better at jazz guitar. That’s why I put together this 5 lesson package to make it easy for you to get started.

Online Jazz Guitar Lessons from Jazz Guitar Guide:

Intro Package: Get 5 online jazz guitar lessons (30m each) for $99

Something I’ve found in my years of teaching is that one-time lessons don’t work very well for most people. You probably learn something, but a lot gets lost or goes over your head.

On the other hand – being able to work together over time gives you a chance to really learn the material, ask questions, and get feedback on your playing. 

So I’ve put together this package of 5 lessons so you can get the benefits of taking lessons over time – without having to commit to a weekly schedule or monthly lesson fees right off the bat.

Fill out the form below to schedule your free consultation call and see if online jazz guitar lessons are right for you.

We’ll talk about what you want to learn in your jazz guitar lessons, and I’ll put together a detailed roadmap of what you need to do to get there.

Everything you need is included

  • Easy scheduling – After you fill out the form, I’ll be in touch to schedule your free consultation call
  • Free initial call – we’ll talk about what you know, and what you want to be able to do – so we can build a detailed roadmap to help you succeed
  • Detailed handouts – easy to follow, and great for a quick reminder of what to play
  • Backing tracks – so you can hear what your playing sounds like with a band
  • Detailed notes sent after each lesson – always remember what we talked about, and what you need to do to improve
  • Email support – get unlimited feedback on your playing, and answers to your questions
  • 100% money back guarantee – if you’re not happy with your lessons, I don’t want you to pay for them

Limited spots available – book your online jazz guitar lessons now

  • 5 Lesson Package for $99. Each 30 minute lesson is easy to fit into your schedule, and packed with helpful info and coaching.
  • One on one lessons – With an expert to guide you through the process and help you avoid going down the wrong track.
  • Step by step systems – You can be confident that you won’t have any gaps in your knowledge you have to go back and figure out.
    • Lets you put the playing guitar part on autopilot – so you can focus on the music
  • Personalized practice plans – You’ll always know exactly what to work on so you can reach the next step, and make the most out of your limited practice time.
  • Downloadable PDF handouts included – All the information you need, at a glance.
  • Detailed lesson notes in email – It’s simple to review old lessons and refresh your memory. And you’ll never lose what you’ve learned.
  • The most convenient lessons – Online jazz guitar lessons mean no commute, no waiting for the last student to pack up,and no struggling to find a parking spot.

Book your online jazz guitar lessons now

Click this button now to book your free consultation call.

Questions? Need help? Email me at and I’ll be happy to help you out.

I'll Help You Learn Jazz Guitar

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